

I never imagined

Not in my wildest dreams

That a woman like you ever existed

Before you

I was always sad because of this

I was sad to have never met you

Because I wanted you to exist

So bad I wanted you to exist

I was so sad 

For several decades

Because you didn't exist

And then

In 2020

I finally let go

And let God 

And the gift he gave to me 

Truly was and is

Nothing but divine

An Angel 

Straight from heaven 1st class

I thank Thee Lord everyday

For bringing you to me

For letting me know that


You do exist

My creative mind

Couldn't have possibly 

Created this bliss

You sealed every wound

My heart had ever suffered

You more then completed me

You reinvented me

And every day 

Since the magical moment we met 

I strive each day

To become better

And better

And better

At respecting you

Like you deserve to be respected

Understanding you

The way you understand

And offering you 

The greatest abundance

Of the purist love

I could ever possibly offer. 

From this moment forth

I truly want

To never have to spend

A single day without you. 

I love you Chrissy

With all that is me

